RLC Massachusetts

FEED PEOPLE, NOT LANDFILLS! Volunteer as a Rescuer. Donate food as a business. Receive food as an organization. Support our mission. SPANNING 100 MILES between Newport, Rhode Island and Lawrence, Massachusetts. Check out RLCRI via the Branches menu above.

Branch Founded: 2016


pounds rescued


meals provided

Nearly 1 in 9 households in Massachusetts are experiencing food insecurity

Meanwhile, up to 40% of food feeds landfills, accounting for the largest category of material occupying municipal landfills. Dollars spent on water, energy and labor invested to produce discarded food goes to waste, and climate change imposes threats to our ocean, air, economy and health.


RLCMA bridges the gap between food excess and insecurity

WE INVITE NONPROFITS to sign up as RLC Food Recipient Partners, a free service.

WE ENCOURAGE BUSINESSES to partner with RLC to donate their consumable surplus food.

WE INSPIRE VOLUNTEERISM by hosting volunteer opportunities for one-time, sporadic or recurring Rescue Events, morning until night, 365 days a year.

Volunteer with Us

Who we work with

We have all found ourselves facing challenges that are incomprehensible. The fear of being without food during these past months has been experienced by many families and senior citizens. Your donations to the City of Everett has relieved this fear to a great degree. Without all of the hard work you do, we wouldn't be able to feed the families in our City. I want to personally thank you for your unwavering commitment to feeding the vulnerable population of the City of Everett. On behalf of my family and I, we are grateful.

Carlo DeMaria

Mayor, City of Everett, Massachusetts

Join the Movement

Want to be a food   rescuer?

reduce hunger & wasted food

protect the environment

rescue solo or as a team

Are you a non-profit that needs food?

receive free & healthy food

tailored for your needs

save time & resources

Support Our Mission

Help us continue to reduce wasted food, food insecurity, and preserve the environment. All donations contribute directly to our efforts to feed hungry and food insecure individuals, children and families.


In the News

Get in touch with RLCMA

Dana Siles

Massachusetts & Rhode Island Branch Director

Keep up with RLC Massachusetts